Source:Atmospheric Environment, Volume 163
Author(s): Roberto Bellasio, Roberto Bianconi, Sonia Mosca, Paolo Zannetti
This paper presents the Lagrangian particle model LAPMOD for modeling time-variable emissions in atmosphere of inert and radioactive gases and aerosols. LAPMOD is fully interfaced with the meteorological model CALMET (Scire et al., 1999a), part of the US-EPA recommended CALPUFF modeling system (EPA, 2017), and can also use the meteorological input files produced with the AERMET meteorological processor of US-EPA recommended model AERMOD (EPA, 2004).The paper outlines the theory on which LAPMOD is based and provides the results of the evaluation of LAPMOD against the Kincaid SF6 and SO2 classical field studies and tracer experiments. The performance of LAPMOD is successfully evaluated with the Model Evaluation Kit (Olesen, 2005) and compared with that of other air quality models.
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