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Πέμπτη 31 Αυγούστου 2017
Frequency modulation: The likelihood of floods is changing with the climate
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First mortality analysis in the French cohort of uranium millers (F-Millers), period 1968–2013
Epidemiological studies in cohorts of uranium millers can be informative to improve knowledge of the health effects of uranium, but are very rare. The aim of this study was to analyze, for the first time, mortality in a French cohort of uranium millers.
The F-Millers cohort includes permanent contract workers employed at least 6 months at French uranium milling plants. Vital status and causes of death were obtained from national registries between 1968 and 2013, in order to perform comparisons with French national and local mortality rates by computing standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI).
The cohort includes 1291 workers. The average duration of follow-up is 32.1 years. At the end of follow-up, 448 workers were deceased and 13 lost to follow-up. We observed a significant deficit of mortality for all causes combined when the national reference was considered (SMR 0.81; 95% CI [0.74;0.89]), but no significant difference when the local reference was considered (SMR 0.97; 95% CI [0.88;1.07]). Significant excesses were observed only in a subgroup of 552 workers hired at the manufacturing unit, mainly when the local reference was considered.
No significant excess of mortality was observed at the scale of the full cohort. The cause-specific excesses of mortality observed in the subgroup of workers hired at the manufacturing unit were based on small number of cases, but would warrant further investigations. Undertaking analytical studies and combined analyses of cohorts of uranium millers would help to study the influence of potential risk factors and obtain more precise results.
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First mortality analysis in the French cohort of uranium millers (F-Millers), period 1968–2013
Epidemiological studies in cohorts of uranium millers can be informative to improve knowledge of the health effects of uranium, but are very rare. The aim of this study was to analyze, for the first time, mortality in a French cohort of uranium millers.
The F-Millers cohort includes permanent contract workers employed at least 6 months at French uranium milling plants. Vital status and causes of death were obtained from national registries between 1968 and 2013, in order to perform comparisons with French national and local mortality rates by computing standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI).
The cohort includes 1291 workers. The average duration of follow-up is 32.1 years. At the end of follow-up, 448 workers were deceased and 13 lost to follow-up. We observed a significant deficit of mortality for all causes combined when the national reference was considered (SMR 0.81; 95% CI [0.74;0.89]), but no significant difference when the local reference was considered (SMR 0.97; 95% CI [0.88;1.07]). Significant excesses were observed only in a subgroup of 552 workers hired at the manufacturing unit, mainly when the local reference was considered.
No significant excess of mortality was observed at the scale of the full cohort. The cause-specific excesses of mortality observed in the subgroup of workers hired at the manufacturing unit were based on small number of cases, but would warrant further investigations. Undertaking analytical studies and combined analyses of cohorts of uranium millers would help to study the influence of potential risk factors and obtain more precise results.
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Τετάρτη 30 Αυγούστου 2017
Ειδοποίηση Μελετητή - [ "Ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση" : επιπτώσεις στην υγεία ]
Ειδοποίηση Μελετητή:[ "Ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση" : επιπτώσεις στην υγεία ]
[PDF] Σύνθεση, χαρακτηρισμός και φωτοκαταλυτική δράση νανοσύνθετων σεπιόλιθου-TiO2, αλλοϋσίτη-TiO2 και σεπιόλιθου-αλλοϋσίτη-TiO2
ρυπαντές και οι επιπτώσεις τους στο περιβάλλον και στην ανθρώπινη υγεία……………11 ...
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[HTML] Income effects on willingness to pay measures in the water directive
[PDF] Μοντελοποίηση κτιρίων μηδενικού ισοζυγίου ενέργειας με χρήση μεθόδων ασαφούς ελέγχου
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[HTML] Income effects on willingness to pay measures in the water directive
[PDF] Μελέτη των επιπτώσεων του ιοντικού υγρού [omim][BF4] στα πρώιμα αναπτυξιακά στάδια του είδους Sparus aurata
και μπορούν σε κάποιο βαθμό να προκαλέσουν σοβαρά περιβαλλοντικά προβλήματα.
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In Response to Avalanche Fatalities in the United States by Jekich et al
Publication date: Available online 30 August 2017
Source:Wilderness & Environmental Medicine
Author(s): Karl W. Birkeland, Ethan M. Greene, Spencer Logan
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Island biogeography of marine organisms
Studies on the distribution and evolution of organisms on oceanic islands have advanced towards a dynamic perspective, where terrestrial endemicity results from island geographical aspects and geological history intertwined with sea-level fluctuations. Diversification on these islands may follow neutral models, decreasing over time as niches are filled, or disequilibrium states and progression rules, where richness and endemism rise with the age of the archipelago owing to the splitting of ancestral lineages (cladogenesis). However, marine organisms have received comparatively little scientific attention. Therefore, island and seamount evolutionary processes in the aquatic environment remain unclear. Here we analyse the evolutionary history of reef fishes that are endemic to a volcanic ridge of seamounts and islands to understand their relations to island evolution and sea-level fluctuations. We also test how this evolutionary history fits island biogeography theory. We found that most endemic species have evolved recently (Pleistocene epoch), during a period of recurrent sea-level changes and intermittent connectivity caused by repeated aerial exposure of seamounts, a finding that is consistent with an ephemeral ecological speciation process. Similar to findings for terrestrial biodiversity, our data suggest that the marine speciation rate on islands is negatively correlated with immigration rate. However, because marine species disperse better than terrestrial species, most niches are filled by immigration: speciation increases with the random accumulation of species with low dispersal ability, with few opportunities for in situ cladogenesis and adaptive radiation. Moreover, we confirm that sea-level fluctuations and seamount location play a critical role in marine evolution, mainly by intermittently providing stepping stones for island colonization.
Nature doi: 10.1038/nature23680
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Palaeoclimate: Volcanism caused ancient global warming
A study confirms that volcanism set off one of Earth's fastest global-warming events. But the release of greenhouse gases was slow enough for negative feedbacks to mitigate impacts such as ocean acidification. See Letter p.573
Nature 548 531 doi: 10.1038/548531a
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Very large release of mostly volcanic carbon during the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum
The Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was a global warming event that occurred about 56 million years ago, and is commonly thought to have been driven primarily by the destabilization of carbon from surface sedimentary reservoirs such as methane hydrates. However, it remains controversial whether such reservoirs were indeed the source of the carbon that drove the warming. Resolving this issue is key to understanding the proximal cause of the warming, and to quantifying the roles of triggers versus feedbacks. Here we present boron isotope data—a proxy for seawater pH—that show that the ocean surface pH was persistently low during the PETM. We combine our pH data with a paired carbon isotope record in an Earth system model in order to reconstruct the unfolding carbon-cycle dynamics during the event. We find strong evidence for a much larger (more than 10,000 petagrams)—and, on average, isotopically heavier—carbon source than considered previously. This leads us to identify volcanism associated with the North Atlantic Igneous Province, rather than carbon from a surface reservoir, as the main driver of the PETM. This finding implies that climate-driven amplification of organic carbon feedbacks probably played only a minor part in driving the event. However, we find that enhanced burial of organic matter seems to have been important in eventually sequestering the released carbon and accelerating the recovery of the Earth system.
Nature 548 573 doi: 10.1038/nature23646
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Island biogeography of marine organisms
Studies on the distribution and evolution of organisms on oceanic islands have advanced towards a dynamic perspective, where terrestrial endemicity results from island geographical aspects and geological history intertwined with sea-level fluctuations. Diversification on these islands may follow neutral models, decreasing over time as niches are filled, or disequilibrium states and progression rules, where richness and endemism rise with the age of the archipelago owing to the splitting of ancestral lineages (cladogenesis). However, marine organisms have received comparatively little scientific attention. Therefore, island and seamount evolutionary processes in the aquatic environment remain unclear. Here we analyse the evolutionary history of reef fishes that are endemic to a volcanic ridge of seamounts and islands to understand their relations to island evolution and sea-level fluctuations. We also test how this evolutionary history fits island biogeography theory. We found that most endemic species have evolved recently (Pleistocene epoch), during a period of recurrent sea-level changes and intermittent connectivity caused by repeated aerial exposure of seamounts, a finding that is consistent with an ephemeral ecological speciation process. Similar to findings for terrestrial biodiversity, our data suggest that the marine speciation rate on islands is negatively correlated with immigration rate. However, because marine species disperse better than terrestrial species, most niches are filled by immigration: speciation increases with the random accumulation of species with low dispersal ability, with few opportunities for in situ cladogenesis and adaptive radiation. Moreover, we confirm that sea-level fluctuations and seamount location play a critical role in marine evolution, mainly by intermittently providing stepping stones for island colonization.
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Palaeoclimate: Volcanism caused ancient global warming
A study confirms that volcanism set off one of Earth's fastest global-warming events. But the release of greenhouse gases was slow enough for negative feedbacks to mitigate impacts such as ocean acidification. See Letter p.573
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Very large release of mostly volcanic carbon during the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum
The Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was a global warming event that occurred about 56 million years ago, and is commonly thought to have been driven primarily by the destabilization of carbon from surface sedimentary reservoirs such as methane hydrates. However, it remains controversial whether such reservoirs were indeed the source of the carbon that drove the warming. Resolving this issue is key to understanding the proximal cause of the warming, and to quantifying the roles of triggers versus feedbacks. Here we present boron isotope data—a proxy for seawater pH—that show that the ocean surface pH was persistently low during the PETM. We combine our pH data with a paired carbon isotope record in an Earth system model in order to reconstruct the unfolding carbon-cycle dynamics during the event. We find strong evidence for a much larger (more than 10,000 petagrams)—and, on average, isotopically heavier—carbon source than considered previously. This leads us to identify volcanism associated with the North Atlantic Igneous Province, rather than carbon from a surface reservoir, as the main driver of the PETM. This finding implies that climate-driven amplification of organic carbon feedbacks probably played only a minor part in driving the event. However, we find that enhanced burial of organic matter seems to have been important in eventually sequestering the released carbon and accelerating the recovery of the Earth system.
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Summary of the development the US Environmental Protection Agency's Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test (MEOGRT) using data from 9 multigenerational medaka tests
In response to various legislative mandates, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) formed its Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP), which in turn, formed the basis of a tiered testing strategy to determine the potential of pesticides, commercial chemicals, and environmental contaminants to disrupt the endocrine system. The first tier of tests is intended to detect the potential for endocrine disruption mediated through estrogen, androgen, or thyroid pathways, whereas the second tier is intended to further characterize the effects on these pathways and to establish a dose–response relationship for adverse effects. One of these tier 2 tests, the Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test (MEOGRT), was developed by the USEPA for the EDSP and, in collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, for the Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The MEOGRT protocol was iteratively modified based on knowledge gained after the successful completion of 9 tests with variations in test protocols. The present study describes both the final MEOGRT protocol that has been published by the USEPA and the OECD, and the iterations that provided valuable insights into nuances of the protocol. The various tests include exposure to 17β-estradiol, 4-t-octylphenol, o,p′- dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, 4-chloro-3-methylphenol, tamoxifen, 17β-trenbolone, vinclozolin, and prochloraz. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;9999:1–17. Published 2017 Wiley Periodicals Inc. on behalf of SETAC. This article is a US government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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Urban Dog Parks as Sources of Canine Parasites: Contamination Rates and Pet Owner Behaviours in Lisbon, Portugal
Dog parks represent a recent trend in western countries, enabling owners to spend quality time with their pets in a controlled environment. Despite their growing popularity, few studies have been performed to date on these parks to investigate dog intestinal parasitic infections and soil contamination. The present study examined 369 faecal and 18 soil samples collected from 3 dog parks in Greater Lisbon, Portugal. Additionally, 102 interviews were performed with dog owners to assess dog-walking behaviours and parasite risk. In total, 33% of the faecal dog samples were infected with at least one parasitic agent: hookworms (16.5%), Cryptosporidium spp. (11.9%), Giardia spp. (11.4%), Toxascaris leonina (1.1%), Cystoisospora spp. (1.1%), Toxocara spp. (0.5%), and Sarcocystis sp. (0.3%). The soil of all the parks was contaminated with hookworm eggs. This is the first study performed in a European urban area to assess canine faecal contamination and parasitic agents in dog parks. Our results highlight the potential of these parks as a source of transmission for canine parasites, including some with zoonotic potential. Public awareness and effective preventive measures should be promoted to minimise the health-risk impact to both animals and humans, under the scope of environmental and public health.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 985: Determinants of FDI Localization in China: A County-Level Analysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 985: Determinants of FDI Localization in China: A County-Level Analysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090985
Authors: Su Li Antonio Angelino Haitao Yin Francesca Spigarelli
Foreign direct investments (FDIs) have been widely recognized as a crucial feature of the Chinese industrial development process. Over the past decades, China has been attracting huge amounts of inward FDIs as a consequence of both spontaneous market dynamics and place-based preferential policies at the sub-national level. However, the Chinese market exhibits large dissimilarities in terms of FDI localization across territories that are worth investigating at a more disaggregated level. In this regards, our study explores the determinants of attraction of inward FDIs in China, at the county level. It focuses on the pharmaceutical industry and attempts to assess whether factors related to location advantages, agglomeration dynamics, information cost effects and environmental regulation costs affect foreign firms' localization choices as well as invested amounts in that location. By means of discrete choice models, our paper confirms the findings of the prevalent literature about the positive effects of location advantages on pharmaceutical FDI attraction. Different from our expectations, a higher proportion of foreign enterprises do not stimulate significant effects on FDI localization, while preferential policies and sectoral agglomeration are positively correlated with the localization of pharmaceutical foreign firms. Finally, our results suggest that investing firms tend to avoid areas with strict environment regulation.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 983: Longitudinal Study-Based Dementia Prediction for Public Health
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 983: Longitudinal Study-Based Dementia Prediction for Public Health
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090983
Authors: HeeChel Kim Hong-Woo Chun Seonho Kim Byoung-Youl Coh Oh-Jin Kwon Yeong-Ho Moon
The issue of public health in Korea has attracted significant attention given the aging of the country's population, which has created many types of social problems. The approach proposed in this article aims to address dementia, one of the most significant symptoms of aging and a public health care issue in Korea. The Korean National Health Insurance Service Senior Cohort Database contains personal medical data of every citizen in Korea. There are many different medical history patterns between individuals with dementia and normal controls. The approach used in this study involved examination of personal medical history features from personal disease history, sociodemographic data, and personal health examinations to develop a prediction model. The prediction model used a support-vector machine learning technique to perform a 10-fold cross-validation analysis. The experimental results demonstrated promising performance (80.9% F-measure). The proposed approach supported the significant influence of personal medical history features during an optimal observation period. It is anticipated that a biomedical "big data"-based disease prediction model may assist the diagnosis of any disease more correctly.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 984: The Non-Linear Relationship between BMI and Health Care Costs and the Resulting Cost Fraction Attributable to Obesity
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 984: The Non-Linear Relationship between BMI and Health Care Costs and the Resulting Cost Fraction Attributable to Obesity
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090984
Authors: Michael Laxy Renée Stark Annette Peters Hans Hauner Rolf Holle Christina Teuner
This study aims to analyse the non-linear relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and direct health care costs, and to quantify the resulting cost fraction attributable to obesity in Germany. Five cross-sectional surveys of cohort studies in southern Germany were pooled, resulting in data of 6757 individuals (31–96 years old). Self-reported information on health care utilisation was used to estimate direct health care costs for the year 2011. The relationship between measured BMI and annual costs was analysed using generalised additive models, and the cost fraction attributable to obesity was calculated. We found a non-linear association of BMI and health care costs with a continuously increasing slope for increasing BMI without any clear threshold. Under the consideration of the non-linear BMI-cost relationship, a shift in the BMI distribution so that the BMI of each individual is lowered by one point is associated with a 2.1% reduction of mean direct costs in the population. If obesity was eliminated, and the BMI of all obese individuals were lowered to 29.9 kg/m2, this would reduce the mean direct costs by 4.0% in the population. Results show a non-linear relationship between BMI and health care costs, with very high costs for a few individuals with high BMI. This indicates that population-based interventions in combination with selective measures for very obese individuals might be the preferred strategy.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 986: Identification of Potential High-Risk Habitats within the Transmission Reach of Oncomelania hupensis after Floods Based on SAR Techniques in a Plane Region in China
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 986: Identification of Potential High-Risk Habitats within the Transmission Reach of Oncomelania hupensis after Floods Based on SAR Techniques in a Plane Region in China
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090986
Authors: Yuanyuan Shi Juan Qiu Rendong Li Qiang Shen Duan Huang
Schistosomiasis japonica is an infectious disease caused by Schistosoma japonicum, and it remains endemic in China. Flooding is the main hazard factor, as it causes the spread of Oncomelania hupensis, the only intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum, thereby triggering schistosomiasis outbreaks. Based on multi-source real-time remote sensing data, we used remote sensing (RS) technology, especially synthetic aperture radar (SAR), and geographic information system (GIS) techniques to carry out warning research on potential snail habitats within the snail dispersal range following flooding. Our research result demonstrated: (1) SAR data from Sentinel-1A before and during a flood were used to identify submerged areas rapidly and effectively; (2) the likelihood of snail survival was positively correlated with the clay proportion, core area standard deviation, and ditch length but negatively correlated with the wetness index, NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index), elevation, woodland area, and construction land area; (3) the snail habitats were most abundant near rivers and ditches in paddy fields; (4) the rivers and paddy irrigation ditches in the submerged areas must be the focused of mitigation efforts following future floods.
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Distribution, source apportionment and health risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in intertidal sediment of Asaluyeh, Persian Gulf
Surface sediment samples were collected from intertidal zone of Asaluyeh, Persian Gulf, to investigate distribution, sources and health risk of sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Total PAH concentrations ranged from 1.8 to 81.2 μg kg−1 dry weight, which can be categorized as low level of pollution. Qualitative and quantitative assessments showed that PAHs originated from both petrogenic and pyrogenic sources with slight pyrogenic dominance. Source apportionment using principal component analysis indicated that the main sources of PAHs were fossil fuel combustion (33.59%), traffic-related PAHs (32.77%), biomass and coal combustion (18.54%) and petrogenic PAHs (9.31%). According to the results from the sediment quality guidelines, mean effects range-median quotient (M-ERM-Q) and benzo[a]pyrene toxic equivalents (BaPeq), low negative ecological risks related to PAH compounds would occur in the intertidal zone of Asaluyeh. The total benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) toxic equivalent quotient (TEQcarc) for carcinogenic compounds ranged from 0.01 to 7 μg kg−1-BaPeq, indicating low carcinogenic risk. The human health risk assessment of PAH compounds via ingestion and dermal pathways suggests low and moderate potential risk to human health, respectively.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 982: The Canadian Atlas of Child and Youth Injury: Mobilizing Injury Surveillance Data to Launch a National Knowledge Translation Tool
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 982: The Canadian Atlas of Child and Youth Injury: Mobilizing Injury Surveillance Data to Launch a National Knowledge Translation Tool
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090982
Authors: Ian Pike Jennifer Smith Samar Al-Hajj Pamela Fuselli Alison Macpherson
Child and youth injury prevention research in Canada has lagged behind other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development nations, despite existing surveillance systems and longitudinal data. A critical need to improve access to the available data, as well as need to tailor its display and interpretation, was identified by injury prevention stakeholders involved in research, policy, and practice. The Canadian Atlas of Child and Youth Injury Prevention ("the Atlas") was developed to address this need. Following a series of iterative consultation meetings and a pilot testing session, the Atlas was scaled up with national data. Two testing sessions were held to evaluate the tools. The Atlas is comprised of three main components: data, indicators, and visualizations. The accessibility of the dashboard is enhanced by customization of data visualizations and data outputs to suit the user's needs. Overall feedback indicated that the tools were easy to use, and that the interface was intuitive and visually appealing. The Canadian Atlas of Child and Youth Injury Prevention provides readily accessible information to injury prevention practitioners, policy makers and researchers, helping to chart pathways to success in improving the child and youth injury prevention system in Canada.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 981: Poverty and Child Behavioral Problems: The Mediating Role of Parenting and Parental Well-Being
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 981: Poverty and Child Behavioral Problems: The Mediating Role of Parenting and Parental Well-Being
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090981
Authors: Till Kaiser Jianghong Li Matthias Pollmann-Schult Anne Song
The detrimental impact of poverty on child behavioral problems is well-established, but the mechanisms that explain this relationship are less well-known. Using data from the Families in Germany Study on parents and their children at ages 9–10 (middle childhood), this study extends previous research by examining whether or not and to what extent different parenting styles and parents' subjective well-being explain the relationship between poverty and child behavior problems. The results show that certain parenting styles, such as psychological control, as well as mothers' life satisfaction partially mediate the correlation between poverty and child behavioral problems.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 980: Peri-Urbanism in Globalizing India: A Study of Pollution, Health and Community Awareness
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 980: Peri-Urbanism in Globalizing India: A Study of Pollution, Health and Community Awareness
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090980
Authors: Linda Waldman Ramila Bisht Rajashree Saharia Abhinav Kapoor Bushra Rizvi Yasir Hamid Meghana Arora Ima Chopra Kumud Sawansi Ritu Priya Fiona Marshall
This paper examines the intersection between environmental pollution and people's acknowledgements of, and responses to, health issues in Karhera, a former agricultural village situated between the rapidly expanding cities of New Delhi (India's capital) and Ghaziabad (an industrial district in Uttar Pradesh). A relational place-based view is integrated with an interpretive approach, highlighting the significance of place, people's emic experiences, and the creation of meaning through social interactions. Research included surveying 1788 households, in-depth interviews, participatory mapping exercises, and a review of media articles on environment, pollution, and health. Karhera experiences both domestic pollution, through the use of domestic waste water, or gandapani, for vegetable irrigation, and industrial pollution through factories' emissions into both the air and water. The paper shows that there is no uniform articulation of any environment/health threats associated with gandapani. Some people take preventative actions to avoid exposure while others do not acknowledge health implications. By contrast, industrial pollution is widely noted and frequently commented upon, but little collective action addresses this. The paper explores how the characteristics of Karhera, its heterogeneous population, diverse forms of environmental pollution, and broader governance processes, limit the potential for citizen action against pollution.
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Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in Spanish Agribusiness and Its Influence on Innovation and Performance
In this paper, a model of structural equations is proposed to analyze the relationship between the actions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its influence on innovation and cooperation in agribusiness sector located in Murcia, Spain. These companies have always been characterized by an innovative and cooperative spirit to meet the demands of their customers. The proposed model shows the relationship between cooperation and innovation and their influence on economic performance. Moreover, the model suggests, first that innovation partially mediates the relationship between cooperation and performance and second that cooperation partially mediates the relationship between CSR and innovation. Insiders (employees, partners, and managers) and external agents (suppliers and society) and its association with the strategy of innovation and cooperation and the various measures and economic outcomes associated with CSR are also studied. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment
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Genotoxic effects of high dose rate X-ray and low dose rate gamma radiation in ApcMin/+ mice
Risk estimates for radiation-induced cancer in humans are based on epidemiological data largely drawn from the Japanese atomic bomb survivor studies, which received an acute high dose rate (HDR) ionising radiation. Limited knowledge exists about the effects of chronic low dose rate (LDR) exposure, particularly with respect to the application of the dose and dose rate effectiveness factor. As part of a study to investigate the development of colon cancer following chronic LDR vs. acute HDR radiation, this study presents the results of genotoxic effects in blood of exposed mice. CBAB6 F1 Apc+/+ (wild type) and ApcMin/+ mice were chronically exposed to estimated whole body absorbed doses of 1.7 or 3.2 Gy 60Co-γ-rays at a LDR (2.2 mGy h−1) or acutely exposed to 2.6 Gy HDR X-rays (1.3 Gy min−1). Genotoxic endpoints assessed in blood included chromosomal damage (flow cytometry based micronuclei (MN) assay), mutation analyses (Pig-a gene mutation assay), and levels of DNA lesions (Comet assay, single-strand breaks (ssb), alkali labile sites (als), oxidized DNA bases). Ionising radiation (ca. 3 Gy) induced genotoxic effects dependent on the dose rate. Chromosomal aberrations (MN assay) increased 3- and 10-fold after chronic LDR and acute HDR, respectively. Phenotypic mutation frequencies as well as DNA lesions (ssb/als) were modulated after acute HDR but not after chronic LDR. The ApcMin/+ genotype did not influence the outcome in any of the investigated endpoints. The results herein will add to the scant data available on genotoxic effects following chronic LDR of ionising radiation. Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 2017. © 2017 The Authors Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Environmental Mutagen Society
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Τρίτη 29 Αυγούστου 2017
Effects of Teaching Health Care Workers on Diagnosis and Treatment of Pesticide Poisonings in Uganda
Background: Acute pesticide poisoning in developing countries is a considerable problem, requiring diagnosis and treatment. This study describes how training of health care workers in Uganda affects their ability to diagnose and manage acute pesticide poisoning. Method: A postintervention cross-sectional study was conducted using a standardized questionnaire. A total of 326 health care workers in Uganda were interviewed on knowledge and handling of acute pesticide poisoning. Of those, 173 health care workers had received training, whereas 153 untrained health care workers from neighboring regions served as controls. Results: Trained health care workers scored higher on knowledge of pesticide toxicity and handling of acute pesticide poisoning. Stratification by sex, profession, experience, and health center level did not have any influence on the outcome. Conclusions: Training health care workers can improve their knowledge and treatment of pesticide poisonings. Knowledge of the subject is still insufficient among health care workers and further training is needed.
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First-generation annotations for the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) genome
Ab initio gene prediction and evidence alignment were used to produce the first annotations for the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) genome. We also describe a genome browser, hosted by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, that provides simplified access to the annotation data in context with the genomic sequence. The present study extends the utility of the fathead minnow genome and supports the continued development of this species as a model organism for predictive toxicology. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;9999:1–7. Published 2017 Wiley Periodicals Inc. on behalf of SETAC. This article is a US government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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Pesticide exposure assessed through agricultural crop proximity and risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Epidemiologic studies have raised the possibility that some pesticide compounds induce the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), though the available evidence is not entirely consistent.
We conducted a population-based case-control study in two Italian populations to assess the extent to which residence in the vicinity of agricultural crops associated with the application of neurotoxic pesticides is a risk factor for ALS, using crop acreage in proximity to the residence as an index of exposure.
Based on 703 cases and 2737 controls, we computed an ALS odds ratio of 0.92 (95% confidence interval 0.78-1.09) for those in proximity to agricultural land. Results were not substantially different when using alternative exposure categories or when analyzing specific crop types, with the exception of a higher risk related to exposure to citrus orchards and olive groves in Southern Italy, though based on few exposed subjects (N = 89 and 8, respectively). There was little evidence of any dose-response relation between crop proximity and ALS risk, and using long-term residence instead of current residence did not substantially change our estimates.
Though our index of exposure is indirect and subject to considerable misclassification, our results offer little support for the hypothesis that neurotoxic pesticide exposure increases ALS risk.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 978: Job Stress and Presenteeism among Chinese Healthcare Workers: The Mediating Effects of Affective Commitment
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 978: Job Stress and Presenteeism among Chinese Healthcare Workers: The Mediating Effects of Affective Commitment
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090978
Authors: Tianan Yang Yina Guo Mingxu Ma Yaxin Li Huilin Tian Jianwei Deng
Background: Presenteeism affects the performance of healthcare workers. This study examined associations between job stress, affective commitment, and presenteeism among healthcare workers. Methods: To investigate the relationship between job stress, affective commitment, and presenteeism, structural equation modeling was used to analyze a sample of 1392 healthcare workers from 11 Class A tertiary hospitals in eastern, central, and western China. The mediating effect of affective commitment on the association between job stress and presenteeism was examined with the Sobel test. Results: Job stress was high and the level of presenteeism was moderate among healthcare workers. Challenge stress and hindrance stress were strongly correlated (β = 0.62; p < 0.05). Affective commitment was significantly and directly inversely correlated with presenteeism (β = −0.27; p < 0.001). Challenge stress was significantly positively correlated with affective commitment (β = 0.15; p < 0.001) but not with presenteeism. Hindrance stress was significantly inversely correlated with affective commitment (β = −0.40; p < 0.001) but was significantly positively correlated with presenteeism (β = 0.26; p < 0.001). Conclusions: This study provides important empirical data on presenteeism among healthcare workers. Presenteeism can be addressed by increasing affective commitment and challenge stress and by limiting hindrance stress among healthcare workers in China.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 979: Investigation on Indoor Air Pollution and Childhood Allergies in Households in Six Chinese Cities by Subjective Survey and Field Measurements
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 979: Investigation on Indoor Air Pollution and Childhood Allergies in Households in Six Chinese Cities by Subjective Survey and Field Measurements
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090979
Authors: Jinhua Hu Nianping Li Yang Lv Jing Liu Jingchao Xie Huibo Zhang
Greater attention is currently being paid to the relationship between indoor environment and childhood allergies, however, the lack of reliable data and the disparity among different areas hinders reliable assessment of the relationship. This study focuses on the effect of indoor pollution on Chinese schoolchildren and the relationship between specific household and health problems suffered. The epidemiological questionnaire survey and the field measurement of the indoor thermal environment and primary air pollutants including CO2, fine particulate matter (PM2.5), chemical pollutants and fungi were performed in six Chinese cities. A total of 912 questionnaires were eligible for statistical analyses and sixty houses with schoolchildren aged 9–12 were selected for field investigation. Compared with Chinese national standards, inappropriate indoor relative humidity (<30% or >70%), CO2 concentration exceeding 1000 ppm and high PM2.5 levels were found in some monitored houses. Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP) were the most frequently detected semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in house dust. Cladosporium, Aspergillus and Penicillium were detected in both indoor air and house dust. This study indicates that a thermal environment with CO2 exceeding 1000 ppm, DEHP and DBP exceeding 1000 μg/g, and high level of PM2.5, Cladosporium, Aspergillus and Penicillium increases the risk of children's allergies.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 976: Pharmaceutical Industry in Vietnam: Sluggish Sector in a Growing Market
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 976: Pharmaceutical Industry in Vietnam: Sluggish Sector in a Growing Market
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090976
Authors: Antonio Angelino Do Khanh Nguyen An Ha Tuan Pham
Vietnam is a fast growing economy in the Asian region with a significantly high population (over 92 million in 2015). Although still expanding (about 1.1% on average during 2000–2015), the Vietnamese population is considered to be entering the ageing stage at a very high rate. The rapid expansion of the middle-income urban class and the ageing people ratio have dramatically pushed up the demand for healthcare goods, particularly in terms of pharmaceutical products. Since the early 1990s the government has addressed the necessities of rising demand for healthcare products by formulating a series of policies aimed at promoting the development of the pharmaceutical industry. However, the implementation of such policies does not seem to have been completely efficient given that the country still needs to import up to 90% of its pharmaceutical consumption. This paper aims to explore the development of the pharmaceutical industry during the years 1990–2015 and to identify a series of weaknesses in the government promotion of the industry. Future developments will also be discussed on how the Vietnamese pharmaceutical industry could increase its participation in the regional supply chain, which is currently being dominated by big players like India and China.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 977: Bioaccessibility and Human Exposure Assessment of Cadmium and Arsenic in Pakchoi Genotypes Grown in Co-Contaminated Soils
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 977: Bioaccessibility and Human Exposure Assessment of Cadmium and Arsenic in Pakchoi Genotypes Grown in Co-Contaminated Soils
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090977
Authors: Yanyan Wei Xiaoman Zheng Md. Shohag Minghua Gu
In many countries cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) commonly coexist in soils contaminated by mining activities, and can easily enter the human body via consumption of leafy vegetables, like the popularly consumed pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.), causing major health concerns. In the present study, bioaccessibility and human exposure of Cd and As were assessed in twenty genotypes of pakchoi cultured at two different levels of co-contamination to identify low health risk genotypes. The bioaccessibilities of Cd and As represent a fraction of the total metals content could be bioaccessible for human, in the present study, significant differences in pakchoi Cd and As bioaccessibility were observed among all tested genotypes and co-contaminated levels. Cd and As bioaccessibility of pakchoi were in the ranges of 24.0–87.6% and 20.1–82.5%, respectively, for in the high level co-contaminated soils, which was significantly higher than for low level co-contaminated soils with 7.9–71.8% for Cd bioaccessibility and 16.1–59.0% for As bioaccessibility. The values of bioaccessible established daily intakes (BEDI) and the total bioaccessible target hazard quotients (TBTHQ) of Cd and As were also considerably higher in high level co-contaminated soils than in low level co-contaminated soils. Two genotypes (Meiguanqinggengcai and Zhenqing60F1) contained relatively low concentrations and bioaccessible Cd and As and, their BEDI and TBTHQ for Cd and As ranged below the tolerable limits set by the FAO/WHO (BEDI of Cd < 0.83 μg kg−1 bw day−1, BEDI of As < 3 μg kg−1 bw day−1) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (TBTHQ for Cd and As < 1), this applied for both levels of co-contaminated soils for adults and children. Consequently, these findings suggest identification of safe genotypes in leafy vegetable with low health risk via genotypic screening and breeding methods could be a useful strategy to ensure the safety of food crops grown in those Cd and As co-contaminated fields due to mining activities.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 974: Association between Blood Pressure and Birth Weight among Rural South African Children: Ellisras Longitudinal Study
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 974: Association between Blood Pressure and Birth Weight among Rural South African Children: Ellisras Longitudinal Study
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090974
Authors: Kotsedi Monyeki Han Kemper Alfred Mogale Leon Hay Machoene Sekgala Tshephang Mashiane Suzan Monyeki Betty Sebati
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the association between birth weight, underweight, and blood pressure (BP) among Ellisras rural children aged between 5 and 15 years. Data were collected from 528 respondents who participated in the Ellisras Longitudinal Study (ELS) and had their birth weight recorded on their health clinic card. Standard procedure was used to measure the anthropometric measurements and BP. Linear regression was used to assess BP, underweight variables, and birth weight. Logistic regression was used to assess the association of hypertension risks, low birth weight, and underweight. The association between birth weight and BP was not statistically significant. There was a significant (p < 0.05) association between mean BP and the sum of four skinfolds (β = 0.26, 95% CI 0.15–0.23) even after adjusting for age (β = 0.18, 95% CI 0.01–0.22). Hypertension was significantly associated with weight for age z-scores (OR = 5.13, 95% CI 1.89–13.92) even after adjusting for age and sex (OR = 5.26, 95% CI 1.93–14.34). BP was significantly associated with the sum of four skinfolds, but not birth weight. Hypertension was significantly associated with underweight. Longitudinal studies should confirm whether the changes in body weight we found can influence the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 973: Young People’s Use of E-Cigarettes across the United Kingdom: Findings from Five Surveys 2015–2017
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 973: Young People's Use of E-Cigarettes across the United Kingdom: Findings from Five Surveys 2015–2017
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090973
Authors: Linda Bauld Anne MacKintosh Brian Eastwood Allison Ford Graham Moore Martin Dockrell Deborah Arnott Hazel Cheeseman Ann McNeill
Concern has been expressed about the use of e-cigarettes among young people. Our study reported e-cigarette and tobacco cigarette ever and regular use among 11–16 year olds across the UK. Data came from five large scale surveys with different designs and sampling strategies conducted between 2015 and 2017: The Youth Tobacco Policy Survey; the Schools Health Research Network Wales survey; two Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Smokefree Great Britain-Youth Surveys; and the Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey. Cumulatively these surveys collected data from over 60,000 young people. For 2015/16 data for 11–16 year olds: ever smoking ranged from 11% to 20%; regular (at least weekly) smoking between 1% and 4%; ever use of e-cigarettes 7% to 18%; regular (at least weekly) use 1% to 3%; among never smokers, ever e-cigarette use ranged from 4% to 10% with regular use between 0.1% and 0.5%; among regular smokers, ever e-cigarette use ranged from 67% to 92% and regular use 7% to 38%. ASH surveys showed a rise in the prevalence of ever use of e-cigarettes from 7% (2016) to 11% (2017) but prevalence of regular use did not change remaining at 1%. In summary, surveys across the UK show a consistent pattern: most e-cigarette experimentation does not turn into regular use, and levels of regular use in young people who have never smoked remain very low.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 975: Transnational Research Networks in Chinese Scientific Production. An Investigation on Health-Industry Related Sectors
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 975: Transnational Research Networks in Chinese Scientific Production. An Investigation on Health-Industry Related Sectors
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090975
Authors: Lauretta Rubini Chiara Pollio Marco Di Tommaso
Transnational research networks (TRN) are becoming increasingly complex. Such complexity may have both positive and negative effects on the quality of research. Our work studies the evolution over time of Chinese TRN and the role of complexity on the quality of Chinese research, given the leading role this country has recently acquired in international science. We focus on the fields of geriatrics and gerontology. We build an original dataset of all scientific publications of China in these areas in 2009, 2012 and 2015, starting from the ISI Web of Knowledge (ISI WoK) database. Using Social Network Analysis (SNA), we analyze the change in scientific network structure across time. Second, we design indices to control for the different aspects of networks complexity (number of authors, country heterogeneity and institutional heterogeneity) and we perform negative binomial regressions to identify the main determinants of research quality. Our analysis shows that research networks in the field of geriatrics and gerontology have gradually become wider in terms of countries and have become more balanced. Furthermore, our results identify that different forms of complexity have different impacts on quality, including a reciprocal moderating effect. In particular, according to our analysis, research quality benefits from complex research networks both in terms of countries and of types of institutions involved, but that such networks should be "compact" in terms of number of authors. Eventually, we suggest that complexity should be carefully taken into account when designing policies aimed at enhancing the quality of research.
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Delineation of flooding risk hotspots based on digital elevation model, calculated and historical flooding extents: the case of Ouagadougou
Delineation of flood risk hotspots can be considered as one of the first steps in an integrated methodology for urban flood risk management and mitigation. This paper presents a step-by-step methodology in a GIS-based framework for identifying flooding risk hotspots for residential buildings. This is done by overlaying a map of potentially flood-prone areas [estimated through the topographic wetness index (TWI)], a map of residential areas [extracted from a city-wide assessment of urban morphology types (UMT)], and a geo-spatial census dataset. The novelty of this paper consists in the fact that the flood-prone areas (the TWI thresholds) are identified through a maximum likelihood method (MLE) based both on inundation profiles calculated for a specific return period (TR), and on information about the extent of historical flooding in the area of interest. Furthermore, Bayesian parameter updating is employed in order to estimate the TWI threshold by employing the historical extent as prior information and the inundation map for calculating the likelihood function. For different statistics of the TWI threshold, the map of potentially flood-prone areas is overlaid with the map of residential urban morphology units in order to delineate the residential flooding risk urban hotspots. Overlaying the delineated urban hotspots with geo-spatial census datasets, the number of people affected by flooding is estimated. These kind of screening procedures are particularly useful for locations where there is a lack of detailed data or where it is difficult to perform accurate flood risk assessment. In fact, an application of the proposed procedure is demonstrated for the identification of urban flooding risk hotspots in the city of Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso, a city for which the observed spatial extent of a major flood event in 2009 and a calculated inundation map for a return period of 300 years are both available.
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Toxicological effects of chemical constituents from Piper against the environmental burden Aedes aegypti Liston and their impact on non-target toxicity evaluation against biomonitoring aquatic insects
Dengue is the most rapidly spreading mosquito-borne viral disease in the world. The mosquito, Aedes aegypti, also spreads Yellow fever, Chikungunya, and Zika virus. As the primary vector for dengue, Ae. aegypti now occurs in over 20 countries and is a serious concern with reports of increasing insecticide resistance. Developing new treatments to manage mosquitoes are needed. Formulation of crude volatile oil from Piper betle leaves (Pb-CVO) was evaluated as a potential treatment which showed larvicidal, ovipositional, and repellency effects. Gut-histology and enzyme profiles were analyzed post treatment under in-vitro conditions. The Pb-CVO from leaves of field collected plants was obtained by steam distillation and separated through rotary evaporation. The Pb-CVO were evaluated for chemical constituents through GC-MS analyses revealed 20 vital compounds. The peak area was establish to be superior in Eudesm-7(11)-en-4-ol (14.95%). Pb-CVO were determined and tested as four different concentrations (0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg/L) of Pb-CVO towards Ae. aegypti. The larvicidal effects exhibited dose dependent mortality being greatest at 1.5 mg Pb-CVO/10 g leaves. The LC50 occurred at 0.63 mg Pb-CVO/L. Larva of Ae. aegypti exposed to Pb-CVO showed significantly reduced digestive enzyme actions of α- and β-carboxylesterases. In contrast, GST and CYP450 enzyme levels increased significantly as concentration increased. Correspondingly, oviposition deterrence index and egg hatch of Ae. aegypti exposed to sub-lethal doses of Pb-CVO demonstrated a strong effect suitable for population suppression. Repellency at 0.6 mg Pb-CVO applied as oil had a protection time of 15–210 min. Mid-gut histological of Ae. aegypti larvae showed severe damage when treated with 0.6 mg of Pb-CVO treatment compared to the control. Non-toxic effects against aquatic beneficial insects, such as Anisops bouvieri and Toxorhynchites splendens, were observed at the highest concentrations, exposed for 3 h. These results suggest that the Pb-CVO may contain effective constituents suitable for development of new vector control agents against Ae. aegypti.
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Enhanced adsorption of hexavalent chromium by a biochar derived from ramie biomass ( Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.) modified with β-cyclodextrin/poly(L-glutamic acid)
This paper explored biochar modification to enhance biochar's ability to adsorb hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution. The ramie stem biomass was pyrolyzed and then treated by β-cyclodextrin/poly(L-glutamic acid) which contained plentiful functional groups. The pristine and modified biochar were characterized by FTIR, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, specific surface area, and zeta potential measurement. Results indicated that the β-cyclodextrin/poly(L-glutamic acid) was successfully bound to the biochar surface. Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the kinetics, isotherm, thermodynamics, and adsorption/desorption of Cr(VI). Adsorption capacities of CGA-biochar were significantly higher than that of the untreated biochar, and its maximum adsorption capacity could reach up to 197.21 mg/g at pH 2.0. Results also illustrated that sorption performance depended on initial solution pH; in addition, acidic condition was beneficial to the Cr(VI) uptake. Furthermore, the Cr(VI) uptake was significantly affected by the ion strength and cation species. This study demonstrated that CGA-biochar could be a potential adsorbent for Cr(VI) pollution control.
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Δευτέρα 28 Αυγούστου 2017
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Ειδοποίηση Μελετητή:[ "Ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση" : επιπτώσεις στην υγεία ]
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Characteristics of phosphorus components in surface sediments from a Chinese shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu): new insights from chemical extraction and 31 P NMR spectroscopy
As a primary factor responsible for lake eutrophication, a deeper understanding of the phosphorus (P) composition and its turnover in sediment is urgently needed. In this study, P species in surface sediments from a Chinese large eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu) were characterized by traditional fractionation and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and their contributions to the overlying water were also discussed. Fractionation results show that NaOH-P predominated in the algal-dominated zone, accounting for 60.1% to total P in Zhushan Bay. Whereas, refractory fractions including HCl-P and residual-P were the main P burial phases in the macrophyte-dominated zone, the center and lakeshore. Recovery rates of the total P and organic P were greatly improved by using a modified single-step extraction of NaOH-EDTA, ranging from 22.6 to 66.1% and from 15.0 to 54.0%. Ortho-P, monoester-P, and pyro-P are identified as the major P components in the NaOH-EDTA extracts by 31P NMR analysis. Trace amount of DNA-P appeared only in sediments from algal- and macrophyte-dominated zones, ascribing to its biological origin. The relative content of ortho-P is the highest in the algal-dominated zone, while the biogenic P including ester-P and pyro-P is the highest in the macrophyte-dominated zone. Moreover, ortho-P and pyro-P correlated positively with TP and chlorophyll a in the overlying water, whereas only significant relationships were found between monoester-P, biogenic P, and chlorophyll a. These discrepancies imply that inorganic P, mainly ortho-P, plays a vital role in sustaining the trophic level of water body and algal bloom, while biogenic P makes a minor contribution to phytoplankton growth. This conclusion was supported by the results of high proportion of biogenic P in algae, aquatic macrophytes, and suspended particulate from the published literature. This study has significant implication for better understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of endogenous P and its role in affecting lake eutrophication.
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Bovine Tuberculosis Policy in England: Would a Virtuous Government Cull Mr Badger?
Bovine tuberculosis (bovine TB) is the most important animal health and welfare policy issue in Britain. Badgers are a wildlife reservoir of disease, although the eight-year Independent Scientific Group (ISG) Randomised Badger Culling Trial concluded with a recommendation against culling. The report advised government that bovine TB could be controlled, and ultimately eradicated, by cattle-based measures alone. Despite the ISG recommendation against culling, the farming and veterinary industries continued to lobby government for a badger cull. The 2005–2010 Labour government followed the ISG advice and decided against a cull. The 2010–2015 Coalition and the 2015-present Conservative governments have followed a badger culling policy. This paper investigates whether a virtuous government would cull badgers. It provides an overview of virtue theory in the context of government animal health and welfare policy. Bovine TB and badger control policy options are then analysed in the context of the virtues of justice, wisdom, integrity, loyalty, curiosity, trust, empathy, compassion and aesthetics. Justice is the first virtue of government, and badger culling is seriously problematic from a virtue perspective given that five badgers are culled per cow that avoids slaughter as a result. Analysis based on other virtues strongly suggests that government should not cull badgers. The paper concludes that a virtuous government would not cull badgers as part of policy to control bovine TB in cattle.
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The influence of radiotherapy on ceruloplasmin and transferrin in whole blood of breast cancer patients
Ceruloplasmin and transferrin are proteins which play a potential role in the process of breast cancer development. These molecules contain Cu2+ (ceruloplasmin) or Fe3+ ions (transferrin) and thus constitute paramagnetic centers, which can be studied using electron paramagnetic resonance method. The aim of the study was to determine how paramagnetic centers in whole blood of breast cancer patients change under the influence of radiation therapy. Samples of whole blood were taken from 17 women with breast cancer treated with radiotherapy. The measurements were carried out at 170 K using X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer Bruker EMX-10. Two distinct EPR lines, derived from high-spin Fe3+ in transferrin and Cu2+ from ceruloplasmin, were revealed in all frozen samples. The amplitude and integrated intensity of the EPR signal from Cu2+ in ceruloplasmin significantly decreased in all patients after the delivery of the radiation fraction. When comparing the integral intensity of the signal from Fe3+ in transferrin, three different situations were identified which are patient specific: a significant increase, an insignificant change, or a significant decrease after the irradiation. A decreased level of Cu2+ from ceruloplasmin in patients after radiotherapy means a low level of ceruloplasmin in the plasma or an increased content of reduced Cu+ ions. Differences in the integrated intensity of the EPR signal from transferrin translate directly into the amount of bound iron. The observed changes could indicate how well the organism fights against cancer and how easily it adapts to the situation of biochemical stress.
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The influence of radiotherapy on ceruloplasmin and transferrin in whole blood of breast cancer patients
Ceruloplasmin and transferrin are proteins which play a potential role in the process of breast cancer development. These molecules contain Cu2+ (ceruloplasmin) or Fe3+ ions (transferrin) and thus constitute paramagnetic centers, which can be studied using electron paramagnetic resonance method. The aim of the study was to determine how paramagnetic centers in whole blood of breast cancer patients change under the influence of radiation therapy. Samples of whole blood were taken from 17 women with breast cancer treated with radiotherapy. The measurements were carried out at 170 K using X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer Bruker EMX-10. Two distinct EPR lines, derived from high-spin Fe3+ in transferrin and Cu2+ from ceruloplasmin, were revealed in all frozen samples. The amplitude and integrated intensity of the EPR signal from Cu2+ in ceruloplasmin significantly decreased in all patients after the delivery of the radiation fraction. When comparing the integral intensity of the signal from Fe3+ in transferrin, three different situations were identified which are patient specific: a significant increase, an insignificant change, or a significant decrease after the irradiation. A decreased level of Cu2+ from ceruloplasmin in patients after radiotherapy means a low level of ceruloplasmin in the plasma or an increased content of reduced Cu+ ions. Differences in the integrated intensity of the EPR signal from transferrin translate directly into the amount of bound iron. The observed changes could indicate how well the organism fights against cancer and how easily it adapts to the situation of biochemical stress.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 971: Surveillance Bias in Child Maltreatment: A Tempest in a Teapot
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 971: Surveillance Bias in Child Maltreatment: A Tempest in a Teapot
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090971
Authors: Brett Drake Melissa Jonson-Reid Hyunil Kim
Background: Children are believed to be more likely to be reported for maltreatment while they are working with mental health or social service professionals. This "surveillance bias" has been claimed to inflate reporting by fifty percent or more, and has been used to explain why interventions such as home visiting fail to reduce official maltreatment reporting rates. Methods: We use national child abuse reporting data (n = 825,763), supplemented by more detailed regional data from a multi-agency administrative data study (n = 7185). We determine the percentage of all re-reports made uniquely by mental health and social service providers within and across generations, the report sources which could be subject to surveillance bias. Results: At three years after the initial Child protective services (CPS) report, the total percentage of national reports uniquely made by mental health or social service providers is less than 10%, making it impossible that surveillance bias could massively inflate CPS reporting in this sample. Analysis of national data find evidence of a very small (+4.54%) initial surveillance bias "bump" among served cases which decays to +1.84% within three years. Our analysis of regional data showed similar or weaker effects. Conclusions: Surveillance bias effects appear to exist, but are very small.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 970: Occurrence, Distribution, and Risk Assessment of Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs) in Muscle and Liver of Cattle in Xinjiang, China
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 970: Occurrence, Distribution, and Risk Assessment of Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs) in Muscle and Liver of Cattle in Xinjiang, China
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090970
Authors: Gehui Wang Jianjiang Lu Zhenni Xing Shanman Li Zilong Liu Yanbin Tong
Despite risks associated with perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in many regions, little is known about their prevalence in Xinjiang. We determined the presence of 13 PFAAs in 293 beef muscle and liver samples collected in 22 cities covering northern, southern, and eastern Xinjiang using liquid chromatography, coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Overall, the average values for PFAAs were relatively low compared with previous studies. Liver presented higher mean levels of total PFAAs at 1.632 ng/g, which was over 60-fold higher than in muscle (0.026 ng/g). Among the PFAAs analyzed, medium-chain compounds were dominant, accounting for more than 70% of the total. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was highly prevalent in the liver with the highest mean concentration (0.617 ng/g) and detection frequency (80%). When comparing the three regions of Xinjiang, we found differences in PFAA profiles, with the northern region showing the highest levels. Furthermore, the average daily intake and hazard ratios of PFOS and perfluorooctanoic acid varied by region, urban/rural environment, gender, ethnicity, and age. The highest risk value of 13 PFAAs was estimated to be 0.837 × 10−3, which is far below 1, indicating that there is no health risk posed by eating beef muscle and liver in Xinjiang.
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IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 972: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital on the Association between Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction among Township Cadres in a Specific Province of China: A Cross-Sectional Study
IJERPH, Vol. 14, Pages 972: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital on the Association between Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction among Township Cadres in a Specific Province of China: A Cross-Sectional Study
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph14090972
Authors: Chang-Yue Guan Yu Li Hong-Lin Ma
Background: Township cadres, considered as basic executors of state policy, play an important role in Chinese society. Their job satisfaction is a vital issue for township management, but there are few studies on this topic in China. The goal of this study is to analyze the relationship between occupational stress and job satisfaction, and to further examine whether psychological capital (PsyCap) can serve as a mediator between stress and job satisfaction in Chinese township cadres. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was carried out during the period of from October 2015 to January 2016 in Liaoning Province of China. The questionnaires, which consisted of an effort-reward imbalance scale, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) for job satisfaction, and the psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ-24), as well as questions about demographic characteristics, were distributed to 1800 township cadres and complete responses were received from 1525 participants. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the role that psychological capital played in mediating between occupational stress and job satisfaction. Results: In the present study, effort-reward ratio (ERR= 11 × effort/6 × reward) was negatively associated with job satisfaction (r = −0.372, p < 0.001), whereas psychological capital was positively associated with job satisfaction in township cadres (r = 0.587, p < 0.001) from a specific province in China. Psychological capital is a mediator between the association of job stress and job satisfaction. Conclusions: Psychological capital partially mediated the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction among Chinese township cadres. Interventions to improve Chinese township cadres' job satisfaction should be developed in the future, especially the enhancement of PsyCap. Interventions need to be verified in further cohort studies. At present, we are only proposing a theoretical model. Intervention effects need to be validated in further cohort studies.
from Enviromental via alkiviadis.1961 on Inoreader
Ecological risk assessment increasingly focuses on risks from chemical mixtures and multiple stressors, because ecosystems are commonly exposed to a plethora of contaminants and non-chemical stressors. To simplify the task of assessing potential mixture effects we explored three land-use related chemical emission scenarios. We applied a tiered methodology to judge the implications of the emissions of chemicals from agricultural practices, domestic discharges and urban run-off in a quantitative model. Results showed land-use dependent mixture exposures, clearly discriminating downstream effects of land uses, with unique chemical 'signatures' regarding composition, concentration and temporal patterns. Associated risks were characterized in relation to the land use scenarios. Comparisons to measured environmental concentrations and predicted impacts showed relatively good similarity. The results suggest that the land uses imply exceedances of regulatory protective Environmental Quality Standards, varying over time in relation to rain events and associated flow and dilution variation. Higher-tier analyses using ecotoxicological effect criteria confirmed that species assemblages may be affected due to exposures exceeding no-effect levels, and that mixture exposure could be associated with predicted species loss under certain situations. The model outcomes can inform various types of prioritization to support risk management, including a ranking across land uses as a whole, a ranking on characteristics of exposure times and frequencies, and various rankings of the relative role of individual chemicals. Though all results are based on in silico assessments, the prospective land-use based approach applied in the present study yields useful insights for simplifying and assessing potential ecological risks of chemical mixtures and can therefore be useful for catchment management decisions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
from Enviromental via alkiviadis.1961 on Inoreader